Given a training dataset from the true dynamics, we want to find an approximated dynamics with parameter theta that minimizes the loss function.
The dynamics of many robots, including ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles, are described in terms of their SE(3) pose and generalized velocity, which evolves on the SE(3) manifold, and satisfy conservation of energy principles
To enforce these constraints by construction, we embed these constraints in the architecture of the parametric function approximated dynamics
We place the approximated dynamics function in a neural ODE framework (Chen et. al., NeurIPS'18) which predicts the state at a future time using an ODE solver and back-propagates the loss gradients efficiently using adjoint method.
For pendulum, we collect data by applying random control on a pendulum gym simulator. After learning the dynamics from data, we design an energy-based controller to drive the pendulum toward the upright position using the learned dynamics function.
For quadrotors, we use a crazyflie drone simulator in Pybullet and collect training data from 18 flights.
After learning the dynamics from data, we design an energy-based controller for trajectory tracking. We verify our controller design with a diamond-shaped trajectory. The Crazyflie simulated drone is able to track the trajectory using the learned Halmiltonian-based dynamics.